About Us

Accept payments from anyone.
Pay zero commission fees.

Mitigate transaction risk using

cryptocurrency or stablecoin escrows

No fees, no surprises

Why choose WireMe?

WireMe allows you to...

money safe

Hold funds safely in escrow foranybusiness transaction

Only you can access the funds – not even WireMe

money safe
customize contracts
customize contracts

Adapt to your changing business needs by adding & linking escrows as needed

Escrows are 100% automated and customizable smart contracts

mitigate risk

Minimize transaction risk

Use staking and time locks with your escrows to mitigate risk

mitigate risk
USDC stablecoin
USDC stablecoin

Accept payments in US dollar stablecoins

Use USDC on the Ethereum or Polygon network

zero commissions

Pay zero commissions or fees on transactions*

*Only pay network fees

zero commissions
no subscription renewal
no subscription renewal

Risk free Access Fees

Pay a one time access fee to access the platform. No auto-renewals or cancellation required

How does it work?

Give me an example

I'm a client

I'm a freelancer

You're a client who has hired an overseas freelancer

You can use WireMe to ensure payment is made only when the work is fully completed

create agreeement

1Create an Agreement

After conferring with the freelancer about project & payment terms, create the Agreement

create agreeement
deposit funds
deposit funds

2Deposit funds into the Agreement

You deposit funds into the agreement. Stakes and time locks can be used to protect yourself and balance risk

lock the agreement

3Lock the Agreement

Before work commences, the agreement which serves as the escrow is locked to prevent changes

lock the agreement
complete the agreement
complete the agreement

4aComplete the Agreement

After work is completed & verified the funds are unlocked by both you and & the freelancer.Proceed to step 5

return the agreement

4bReturn the Agreement

If for whatever reason the agreement falls through, the funds can be returned to the you

return the agreement
withdraw funds
withdraw funds

5Withdraw the funds

If the Agreement was completed, the funds are withdrawn to the freelancer's crypto wallet

If the Agreement was returned, the funds are withdrawn to your crypto wallet

How much does it cost?

To create an Agreement you must pay an access fee

Access fees do not auto-renew


Create up to 5 agreements per pay period
$15 USDC per pay period


Create up to 20 agreements per pay period
$30 USDC per pay period


Create up to 100 agreements per pay period
$60 USDC per pay period

Each pay period is ~30.4 days (2,629,800 seconds)

Access fees are pro-rated if you pay in the middle of a pay period

Need help?

We're here for you.

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Join our Discord server to chat with other users and get help from the community

View the Guides

Our blog has guides on how to get started with WireMe

Send us a Message

Email us at:support@wireme.io
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